kimberly padgett

transforming spirit through touch


After 6 very long months, Retreat re-opened it’s doors September 20th with limited offerings, with new protocols in place to protect clients and staff during this unsettling time of COVID. Beginning October 27th we’ll be offering services which require removal of client’s mask (facials and face waxing). It’s been a long road, sheltering in place, keeping the business alive while closed and advocating for safely reopening. I learned a lot about myself and my business partner during this time. What stands out the most is our commitment to this beautiful space we’ve created and from that core commitment came the glimmer of light. The glimmer being the resiliency of Retreat. We are so grateful to our loving and loyal community of clients, co-workers, friends and family. We’re nowhere near the end of the road on this COVID journey, but feel hopeful that we’ll make it through.

I honor the importance of personal choice and risk assessment we’re all experiencing in this moment. It’s essential that everyone returns to the salon when they feel comfortable doing so.

I’d like to give you a glimpse of what we’re doing at the salon to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. Upon arrival at salon temperatures are taken. If temp is under 100 degrees, you are permitted to come in and head straight to our intake station where you’ll find no contact hand sanitizer dispenser, sanitized pens and a COVID questionnaire/release form to complete. You’re then escorted to a skin care treatment room where all of your belongings are placed in a plastic bin and sealed during the duration of your visit. I will be wearing a mask, shield and gloves while performing services and you will keep your mask on, except when necessary to remove for a service. Talking is not permitted when mask is not worn. There is a 30 min transition time in between client so that everything in the treatment can be disinfected and sanitized. All surfaces, light switches, doorknobs are sprayed continuously throughout the day with a disinfectant.

If you have any questions about our protocols don’t hesitate to ask!

Kimberly Padgett
